2022. gada 27. oktobrī LU Dabas mājā notiks vieslektora no Somijas Stefana Baumeistera (Stefan Baumeister) lekcijas un semināri par korporatīvo vides pārvaldību.

Vieslekcijas un semināri ir veltīti vides aspektu vērtēšanas praksei un iespējām biznesa sektorā. Vieslektors Ph.D., M.Sc. (Econ.) Stefans Baumeisters ir pētnieks Jiveskiles (Jyväskylä) universitātē un Korporatīvās vides pārvaldības maģistra studiju programmas direktors.

Lekcijas un semināri notiks
plkst. 10:30 – 14:00, 106. auditorijā Magnum (bakalaura studiju programmu studentiem);
plkst. 16:00 – 19:00, 324. auditorijā (maģistra studiju programmu studentiem).

Aicināti arī visi interesenti!


Senior Lecturer and Adjunct Professor Stefan Baumeister, Ph.D., M.Sc. (Econ.), Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH), has defended his doctoral dissertation with the title "An Eco-label for the Airline Industry - Instrument for Behavioral Change?" in June 2017.

Since 2012, he has been acting as a teacher and instructor in the Corporate Environmental Management Master's Degree Program. In 2016 Stefan has been appointed as supervisor of Master's Theses and since 2019 as a Ph.D. supervisor. Starting from 2022, Stefan has been acting as the Program Director of the Corporate Environmental Management Master's Degree Program. In addition to that, he has also been appointed to the School of Business and Economics' leadership team, becoming a member of the Education Committee for the term 2022-2025. In February 2022 Stefan was awarded the Title of Docent (Adjunct Professor) in Aviation from the Faculty of Built Environment at the University of Tampere.

Stefan's research has appeared in leading journals of his field such as Transport Policy, Journal of Transport Geography, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Case Studies in Transport Policy, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Journal of Cleaner Production or Environmental Research Letters.

Research Areas:
Environmental Labels, Aviation Industry, Electric Aviation, Carbon Footprint Analysis, Modal Shift, De-Growth, Sustainable Tourism, Climate Change Adaptation
