Dr. Thilo Lang

Doktorantūras skola “Zemes resursi un to ilgtspējīga izmantošana” aicina uz vieslektora Dr. Thilo Langa semināru kursu (4 kr. punkti) par pētniecības metodēm. Norise LU Dabas mājas 320A. auditorijā trešdienās plkst. 16.00-19.00 no 10. aprīļa līdz 10. jūlijam. Darba valoda - angļu.

The course targets PhD scholars in Geography throughout the whole phase of managing a PhD. Completing a doctoral project is seen as a recursive process with constant challenges to be overcome as recurring events. The course is designed in a way that some key challenges are addressed with the aim to lead participants to more clarity regarding their own project and some relevant tools to better manage and cope with the process of implementing individual projects. The course will bridge elements of discursive action, small group discussions, seminars and lecture elements. There will also be space to go into detail with respect to individual challenges.

Lector: Dr. Thilo Lang (Das Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde); Head of the Department for Regional Geography of Europe; head of the research area Multiple geographies of regional and local development
Place: UL House of Nature, 320A. room
Working language: english
Credits: 4KP = 6ECTS
Dates: Wednesdays, 16:00 – 19:00

 10 April 16:00 – 19:00
Introduction, course plan, reading requirements,
Elevator Pitch training: PhD topics,
Seminar: how to write a good research proposal

24 April 16:00 – 19:00
Seminar: ontology and epistemology in geographical science
Discussion: Introduction to scientific publicatio

8 May 16:00 – 19:00
Research methods of data gathering
Seminar and discursive session

22 May 16:00 – 19:00
Lecture and seminar: Case study designs and (transnational) comparative approaches

5 June 16:00 – 19:00
Seminar: from theory to conceptual and analytical frameworks, approaches and methods

12 June 16:00 – 19:00
Lecture and seminar: Time management

3 July 16:00 – 19:00
Seminar: Communicating research, storytelling and transporting complex messages in images and text

10 July 16:00 – 19:00
Open space for current challenges of course participants closing up


Doktorantūras skolas darbības mērķis ir sagatavot jaunos zinātniekus Latvijas resursu, to īpašību un izmantošanas risinājumu izpētei, sekmējot to racionālu un ilgtspējīgu izmantošanu un izmantošanas tehnoloģiju attīstību. Tās pārstāvētas nozares irvides zinātne, ģeogrāfija, ģeoloģija, ķīmija, bioloģija, ekotoksikoloģija, klimatoloģija, aprites ekonomika.
