Visus interesentus 26. septembrī aicinām klausīties profesora Dr. Franka Ekardta (Frank Eckardt) no Bauhaus Universitātes Veimārā (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) Vācijā vieslekciju "Cities beyond growth: criticism of existing planning paradigms and new narratives" un sekojošu diskusiju no plkst. 10.30 līdz 12.00, 324. auditorijā, LU Dabas mājā, Jelgavas ielā 1.

"In this lecture, the recent debates About urban planning in a time of multiple Crisis are addressed. Firstly, urban planning will be looked on again from its emergence in the modern City. It will be made clear, that the economic and social conditions for planning have been deriving from an idea of a continous growth paradigm with a fordist Framing.  

In a second part of the lecture, this paradigm is critized from Five different Points of view (Changed economy, demography, social exclusion, feminism, and ecological Crisis). Based on new outlines for an urban planning of future cities, the lecture wants to encourage a debate for finding new narratives beyond the growth paradigm and will stimulate the debate in class by introducing three narratives."

Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt 
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar 

