Ģeologi! Tikšanās ar profesoru Kristeru Leonu Sundbladu (Turku Universitāte (Somija), Sanktpēterburgas Valsts universitāte (Krievija)) notiks ceturtdienā, 14. februārī plkst. 16.30 702. auditorijā.  

Viesprofesors iepazīstinās ar līdzšinējo veiksmīgo sadarbību ar Latvijas ģeologiem viņa vadītajā lauka kursā rūdu izpētes metodēs un minerālu resursu izvērtēšanā Somijas dienvidos, Pernå apriņķī, studentu atklājumiem pēdējos gados un nākotnes plāniem – iespējamajiem kopīgajiem darbiem lauka kursos kopā ar LU ģeoloģijas studentiem.
  Krister Sundblad, professor at the University of Turku (Finland) and St Petersburg State University (Russia) will give a presentation on the following theme on February 14, 2019:
                    A summary of the Field Courses in Ore Prospecting 2002-2018
The Field Course in Ore Prospecting was organized annually in southern Sweden (2002-2004) and in southern Finland (2005-2018) by the University of Turku. Many hundreds of students from all over the world (of which c. 40 came from Latvia) participated in this course. The main aim of the course was to provide practical experience to university students who aimed for a future professional career in the mining and exploration companies. This ambition was indeed very successful; numerous former course participants are now employed in mining and exploration companies, mainly in Finland and Sweden, but also in Russia, Cambodia and Kazakhstan. The course activities have also led to a number of new discoveries. Ag-rich polymetallic mineralization in the 1.8 Ga old TIB belt in southeastern Sweden and In-rich polymetallic mineralization in the 1.6 Ga old rapakivi granites in southeastern Finland are some of the most important of our discoveries but the recognition of polymetallic mineralization in 1.9 Ga Svecofennian rocks has also contributed to a new metallogenetic view of southern Finland.
